Saturday, September 21, 2019

September 21, 2019

The weekend is upon us once again, and it seems like each time that I turn around it’s here again. Point of fact, as I’ve frequently stated,"if time flies when you’re having fun, we must be having a blast!" perhaps we could get this ol’ time traveling machine to slow down a bit. I’m pretty sure most of our parents told us that "the older we get, the faster the days go." Soo so true. That being as it is, I am thoroughly enjoying the latest chapter in our lives, (mine and Paula’s that is.)

As for the preceding chapter, for nearly a year I worked at Alaska Airlines in the ramp service area. I loved the nine man team that I was part of. I quickly found that lifting luggage/cargo on the average weighing up to fifty pounds for a few hours each day, these
sixty plus year old muscles were re-introduced to physical labour. I recall the first week of work coming home I would be so sore from finding muscles that I had forgotten even existed. Not long after that I found that when I would be off for a few days that those same bodily areas would ache from inactivity.
More on that later . . .

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