Monday, December 29, 2008

If/Then Propositions

Pointing the Way . . .

If I go to bed early, then I will feel more rested tomorrow.
If I eat too much fast food, then my belt will feel more tight.
If I smile at someone, then they will usually smile back at me.
If I drive too fast, then I will catch the attention of the police.
If I shake the cat-food bag, then my cat will come running.

If I use the right bait, then I will certainly catch more fish.
If I want to ride the trains in Paris, then I have to be quick.
If I keep on playing & playing, then my Wii scores will go up.
If I go to IKEA with Paula, then we will likely buy something.
If I feel like fast food, then I'll go to McDonald's every time.

Matthew 9:18
While He spoke these things to them, behold, a ruler came
and worshipped Him, saying, "My daughter has just died, but
come and lay Your hand on her and she will live.

If the ruler in the scripture understood anything at all he
understood this:

If I worship Him, then I can get Him to come to my house . . .
A very simple proposition . . .

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