Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reflexão / Reflexión / Reflection

Reflecting on the evening . . .

Take a look backward, go ahead. You may be amazed at how clear the picture is. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to see so clearly into the future? I am sure there are things that I COULD have done differently, or maybe WOULD have done with a different attitude, or most certainly many times there were things that I just SHOULD have done, period. When we reflect on our lives, I think that most of us would do things differently with those we hold close to our heart. Both of my parents have passed on, but there are oh so many times that I would like to see them just one more time, to touch their hand, to tell them I love and appreciate them. Even though I did that quite often when they were still alive. I also recall the times that my young son would ask me to go fishing, and I might respond with something like: "maybe later, or some other time." Of course there were plenty of times when I would say "go get your pole," and he'd be off in a flash, but If I could recall those times, most certainly we would have went fishin' every time he asked, and believe me he asked quite often. So it would be pointless to live a life of regret, wishing that we had done things differently.
Reflexão in Portland . . .
Back in the eighties the pop-rock group MIKE AND THE MECHANICS put a song on the charts for a few weeks entitled "In the Living Years." Part of the lyrics said ♫Say it loud, say it clear, you can listen as well as you hear. It's too late when we die to admit we don't see eye to eye.♫ The writer of the song was looking back over his life and wishing that he would have had a closer relationship with his recently deceased father. He even went on to write later in the verse: ♫ I wasnt there that morning when my father passed away, I didnt get to tell him all the things I had to say, I think I caught his spirit later that same year, I'm sure I heard his echo in my babys new born tears, I just wish I could have told him in the living years.♫ So when you begin to reflect, don't let your past blur your vision, but let it improve your visual acuity of the future. My wife and I recently put our house on the market, placed all of our belongings in storage, left our friends and family and not only left town, or the state of Tennesse or even the country for that matter, we switched continents for cryin' out loud. We are now pastor/directors at the *SHAPE International Christian Center for our armed forces in St. Denis, Belgium, and lovin' every minute of it. This is really a decision that I will not look on in the future and wish I had done things differently.

*SHAPE is an acronym for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, This is the NATO headquarters in Europe and SHAPE is an international base that has over twenty military commands represented.

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